Thursday, May 26, 2011

Soul Path

From the moment she spoke with him she knew there was something there-a connection that could not be denied.  There was a comfort-a warmth-a desire that was felt.  It was a line of electricity-a path that was travelled before though neither one of them knew it at the time.

Old souls-isn’t it what they call it?  No wait-soul mates; yes that was it.  How many times had she had this conversation with her friends; all of us gathered in a bar or at dinner while we spouted the beatitudes of soul mates. Nothing prepared her for what happened tonight.  She was floored!  She had never felt this instant recognition of another soul before.  To know his touch before it was even upon her skin.  To feel his heartbeat-his scent-his laughter!  She never thought-well maybe she over-thought!

It had started out slowly-a lovers dance.  Slow, sensual in every nuance.  Conversation was easy-the small gestures were natural. The feeling of trust was mutual.  It was not questioned at all.  As the evening progressed; they became lost in each other’s eyes-drowning within each other.  Before they realized what was happening-here they were.

His touch set off electricity within her.  Her reactions were swift and sure-it was what he craved-needed.  She knew his needs as sure as she knew her own; without hesitation she followed where her soul led.  She was inside him; his mind; his heart; his soul.  She closed her eyes and his touch took over her body.  His lips; tongue; his tenderness; his scent-all combined in a heady perfume. Their mutual need fueled their passions combining and entwining their souls even more. Where he led-she followed blindly; mirroring all of his moves without thought-just instinct.  The night passed into the early morning hours.  Passionate moaning hit crescendos neither had experienced in the recent past-nothing prepared them for the explosions within them.  It left them drained but happy.

She turned to watch his face as the moonlight softly lit his features.  His face strong and masculine yet there was a softness about it.  Never mind the shadow growing on his face-she wanted to touch him but feared waking him.  His dark hair tousled from the nights love-making was endearing to her. Instead she snuggled up closer to him; he turned and with a naturalness of habit; he put his arms around her and held her.

His words still whispered in her mind “The path of my soul is toward you”…

©2011 may/cb