Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bits'n Pieces of Used Things

Today has been a day of so many hurried changes!
After about 15 months of unemployment - I have work again!
Yes, I am very happy as it is what I was searching for.

Now - my changes today kinda have to do with that work tomorrow.
Today - I took the car I bought LAST Saturday
bought a different car.
Yes - crazy huh?  well it has a saga.

Last Saturday, I bought a 2001 Ford Taurus SE.
Loaded and pristine!
I drove it that day for about 2 hours, left it alone for a day sitting in the driveway.
Monday came about and yes, you guessed it.
No ignition!!
To me it sounded like the alternator but it could be a dead battery.
Since the battery was new - doubtful!
However, I called the dealer and the owner himself came to my rescue.
The car started up and as instructed, I let it run to charge the battery.
Now remember, it is a new battery.
Next morning, I expected that pretty motor purr...!  Not even the ticking of an alternator going bad!
So, once again, here comes the owner but he brought with him 
the mechanics and off they went with my car.

Three days later, I have the car.  The motor performing beautifully!
Since the car leaked a HUGE oil slick - he changed the master cylinder.
Just to be safe.
Checked the electrical system - just to be safe.
I ran the car all over the place. Freeway and street driving.
Parked it but in reverse to check for that oil slick again.
Yes, I have been known to actually use my head! lol!

Saturday morning - once again - it did not start.
This time, the owner showed with 3 mechanics.
The car would not start despite all the best efforts.   Now I am starting to stress.
I made a list:
As I was driving the night before one of the belts was starting to go.
Yes, the horrible cricket sound just got embarrassingly louder and louder!
The dash lights only lit up half way along with the lights for the gearbox.
Part of the door fell off - a cosmetic thing.
Now, I think what is really happening with the car - ignition issues connected with the alarm system.

So, the owner could not tow the car away as his tow service was not available.
Instead, today - Sunday, they picked me up
I was presented with a newer car.
2009 VW New Beetle.
No - not a turbo but still it is a car I am familiar with.

It is cute and very bright YELLOW!
Black leather interior and an awesome sound system.
A 5 Speed!!  Yeah!!!!
My inner demon is coming out!

The most important thing for me was that I had bought from a very ethical dealer.
In California, we do not have lemon laws.
We can return a car within 2 days - provided we purchase that option at signing.
Something I did not do as I did not anticipate this saga at all.
If the car had issues, you better have purchased the extended warranty and deal with the expenses.
psst...i did buy the warranty but the dealer decided to play very nice!

I was very lucky and I am counting my blessings.

Now, I can rest and not stress.
The old car will be gone tomorrow when they pick it up with the tow truck
most importantly, while I am at work.


*here is where i should put a pic...but i don't have one!*

Now, time to pick out my outfit for tomorrow! :D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Arch of Time

He saw what had become of his creation
His patience worn thin from centuries of waiting
He reached down and broke the Arch of Time

Releasing all the demons; as the Devil himself
Danced upon the earth; rejoicing in God’s final impatience
Gleefully laughing as he saw the pending destruction of man

The Devil released the plagues of centuries past
Mother Earth trembled in fear; releasing fires deep inside
Neptune let the fury of the oceans take its toll upon the earth

The battle between the Good and the Bad
Played itself out in the battlefields of the sky
Rage, blood and tears ravaged the lands of the earth

Finally, what was left of man in all his wisdom; saw what his folly had wrought
They fell upon their knees; they all held hands as one nation, one family
Begged for forgiveness as they saw their final death arrive

God walked through the broken Arch; finally taking pity upon man
As He did once before, He visited the mountain but in the form of man
He met with the last of mankind; bound them with new laws

Man lost his God given right of choice; he betrayed himself
Man glorified himself in the name of God; forgetting he was but a man
Now he was truly chained to the God he fought so hard to make others take

Mankind saw too late; devotion takes many forms
There were ways to live in peace; all were ignored
Man crucified himself without rhyme or reason

On the brink of destruction; saved by God Himself
Finally eyes were open; all faiths became one
As the rainbow crossed the skies above; over the mountain of God

© 2010 18 sept/cb

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It was the last experiment of the government in an effort to turn the environment around.  Sadly, all it did was hasten the end of what little there was left.  The earth now was hostile to human life.  The key now was to survive and that meant finding water and finding shelter during the day as the sun was merciless. 

“God help me” she thought with a heavy sigh as she dragged herself up from the ground.  “When is this going to get any better? When will it finally be over?” 

It seemed like a lifetime ago when all seemed normal.  The earth was green and vibrant with creatures of all kinds in abundance.  That was before the government decided to get greedy and power hungry, passing laws which broke the environment.  She was so young when the earth started to turn brown and the temperatures soared to unbearable degrees.   The family home was the last refuge for her and her parents.  She remembered the cool tiles as she lay down to rest for naps then later for sleeping at night when she dreamed of the stars.  That evening was the last time she saw the stars and her parents.  There was a brilliant light followed by a blast that pulverized everything.  It brought down buildings with people sheltering within them. There cries of fear and pain filling the air as the blast sucked up their lives. It destroyed her home, killing her parents as they pushed her under a concrete bench, saving her life, seconds before the beams holding up the house crashed down on them.  The sight of those last moments was the legacy left to her by that disaster before she blacked out.  Sometime later, she did not know as to when, she awoke to a world of darkness.  It took her a little time to realize that the blackness was not evening.  She could feel the heat of the day.  It was then that the full impact hit her.  She was blind.  She learned to stay hidden during the day and search for food under the cover of night.  She learned to trust her senses as she had no choice.

As she dusted off her dress she could only imagine what it looked like now.   She lost what was left of her family and home, what was once a safe heaven.  The dust clogged her nostrils as her hands broke the dirt beneath.  She gazed into the distance, smirking to herself, as she could only rely on memory and touch to know what her reality was.  All she could feel was broken earth which in her mind, it looked like mosaic tiles reminding her of the floor at home.  She shook her head to clear that memory as the home no longer existed.  It has been such a long time without water and she wanted to drink, wash and just be human again.  She had been searching the land for some sign of moisture without any luck. 

“Rewind...slow down...breathe” Her litany of survival which she repeated to herself.

With practiced will she became attuned to her surroundings.  The slight breeze told her that there was a storm on the horizon, maybe one with water but it did not feel like moisture.  Best she hurries or she will be caught out in the open completely exposed to life threatening elements.  Her memory had become stronger with the passing of the years, as had her senses.  Taking a deep breath, she counted her steps automatically finding the landmarks she placed to mark her way home.  Home was a small cave with protection from the elements.  Inside she stored all that she could, food, blankets and water.  When she was lucky, there was water close by and she could refill the jugs she had there.  There were other times when luck was not with her and she walked many miles to find water over a period of days.

Soon the ground started to feel familiar to her feet.  The staff she carried helped steady her steps as she found the path to her cave.  The coolness of the cave was welcome relief as she paused at the entrance.  She was always grateful to make it back home, to safety.  She always thought that maybe she was living a dream, one where she was able to see again.  It was fanciful thinking but still, there was a small hope in the back of her mind.  She began her evening routine within the darkness of the cave.  She found the utensils she needed to prepare some kind of meal.   With a heavy sigh she continued to prepare a small meal.  Using economical movements, preparation was swift and soon she had consumed the meal she had prepared.  She sat quietly in the darkened cave, listening to the wind howl outside; she could smell the storm rather than see it.  Through the years these storms just became worse and worse with their sounds penetrating even her deepest of sleep.

“Rewind...slow down...breathe” She repeated to herself as she willed herself into stillness.  

Her thoughts escaped to the time before the storms.  She was so happy then.  She was soon to graduate and go on to college.  She was so excited.  She knew her parents were looking forward to some alone time.  Their lives revolved around her and she knew that they sacrificed much for her.  In the darkness she smiled as she thought of her parents.  They loved each other so much and it showed in the way they spoke with each other...the way they held hands.  There were times when she felt like an intruder, especially when they passed certain looks.  That was her last memory of them...holding hands. 

She had come to accept her solitude but it did not take away from the loneliness of her life. She never knew a lovers caress or even her first kiss.  These were things that she knew would never be given to her now.  She was getting much too old and fragile to keep going.  It was these times when she wished with all her heart that she was not alone but this was her role and her burden as well.   Each day was a lifetime and the years just kept passing slowly by and she survived against the odds. 

She finished cleaning up and putting things back into their place.  It was time to rest, inward chuckling, to close her eyes so she could sleep.  Well, at least maybe some pleasant dreams.  It was getting chilly and she was thankful for the blankets she had stockpiled over the years.   She lay in her bed listening to the howling wind.  She knew it was still daylight but she needed to rest for the coming evening.  She needed to find more water and soon as she was almost out. 

She woke with some grogginess and a little disoriented.  She felt some unease but she continued on with her routine.  Yes, today was a day she felt...ancient.  Taking a deep breath she urged herself forward. There was no one to help her and she needed to go out and find water.  Her fingers told her that her supply was low and she needed to find more to be able to survive. 

“Rewind...slow down...breathe” Her litany of survival as she focused on her environment.

As she emerged from her cave, her face felt the cool wind.  Strange that the wind was still blowing but there was no heat felt.  The weather has become a little unpredictable lately.  Frowning, she stepped out with confidence walking along a path she knew well.  Hours later there was no scent of water in the air.  She was not too worried as she had brought with her supplies for a couple of days.  Always to be prepared just in case and this was one of those “just in case” type of days.  She was just hoping that she would not have to stay out for long.  It would be a challenge to find shelter and her old bones were complaining more and more. 

She was determined to find some kind of shelter as it became apparent that water was not to be found before the sun rose again.  She was already starting to feel the heat approaching and she was worried.  It was rare that she was caught out in the open and even then, she was much younger and could withstand the elements.  She knew she would have difficulty surviving now.  Time has taken its toll on her body.

The weather started to change suddenly.  The wind which normally did not appear at night started to kick in more and heat started to be felt.  Did she misjudge the day so badly? Her disorientation worsened as time progressed.  She had to find some shelter and soon as she could feel the heat upon her body making it burn.  Her steps quicken in an effort to find someplace cooler.  Her senses normally so reliable could not find any coolness around her.  This time her staff and feet failed her as she fell to the ground hitting her head on a rock.  The sun rising steadily caught her on the ground and slowly fried her skin

“Rewind...slow down...breathe” Her last thoughts before the darkness took her.

© 2010 apr 05/cb

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seeds Of Discontent

There are whispers in the dark; “What are you doing here?”
Playing with my mind; floating behind my eyes
Sometimes it is hatred coating levels of love in shades of grey
Seeds of discontentment; wasted shafts of wheat

“Who am I?”I beg the shadows in a trembling voice
Silence greets my queries; my soul trembles inside
My regrets – those mistakes are taking on a life of their own
Leaving me with increasing anguish over decisions long past

Traveling further along memory lane; here I see the wreckage
Parts discarded while some others were used to build something new
A psychological wasteland; haunting vibrations are still felt
My heart trembles at the memories; my mouth dries out

“It’s a way of life” says a whispered voice
I turn quickly but see only a faint shadow fleeing
My heroes have turned to dust; were they ever really here?
The memories are piling up now; headstones of days gone by

“Remember the rules of engagement” another voice urges
My forehead forming into wrinkles of concentration
The road is dusty now; in a state of disrepair
Breathing the musty air; memories now very vague

My steps are shorter now; my mind becomes weary
There is tightness in my chest building
Something is very near; breathing is difficult
My fear starts to increase as rusted fences start to appear

“Come closer, you are almost there” that voice now sounds so familiar
Pushing hard against that fence; the lock finally pops
The shadows part as fog when the sun hits it; leaving me stunned
It seemed that with the passing years – it has grown!

Limbs in the color of dark mahogany; gnarled and twisted
Decaying leaves all around; the odor increasing in putrid smell
Voices now were clamoring inside my head; “Run! Run!”
My feet were made of clay; my body and mind frozen in but a second

It took me into its darkness; now I became its victim once again
The tree from which my discontent was born; those vile seeds from days past
Wrapped its horny limbs around me; cradled me to sleep
My doom was met; my fate was sealed by those seeds of discontent

© 2010 14 september/cb

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Perdida ~ Lost


No sé quién soy
Sin ti a mi lado
No soy una princessa
Sólo una mujer

Me siento perdida - sin dirección
No puedo respirar, tengo la boca seca
El centro de mi mundo se perdió
Quiero correr pero al mismo tiempo - no

Lo nuestro ha sido uno de empuje uno al otro
Pero extraño lo que fue nuestro
Los tonos de nuestras voces en la conversación
Cálido y lleno de emoción

Cierro los ojos con mi última vista que se de ti
Me quedo dormida con el calor de tu cuerpo a mi lado
Unos bailes dulces todas las noches que me arrullen a dormir
Sueños sin descanso me paralizan hoy

Me escuchas por la noche?
Sientes la desesperación en mi corazón?
Mi alma llena de angustia y las lágrimas?
Me escuchas dentro esa noche oscura en el que te encuentras?

Estoy perdida, perdida sin esperanza
Estoy esperando que me lleve esa noche oscura
Una oscuridad sin fondo
Donde espero por fin poder encontrate de nuevo


I do not know who I am any longer
Without you by my side
I'm not a princess
Only one woman

I feel lost – without direction
I cannot breathe; my mouth is dry
The center of my world was lost to me
I want to run but at the same time - no

Our love has been one of constant pushing
Strangely, I miss what we had
The tones of our voices as we spoke to one another
Warm and full of emotion

I close my eyes and I see my last view that is of you
I fall asleep with the warmth of your body beside me
A sweet dance every night which lulls me to sleep
Now, dreamless sleep has me paralyzed

Can you hear me at night?
Do you feel the despair in my heart?
Can you feel my soul full of anguish and tears?
Can you hear me from that dark night of yours?

I am lost, lost without hope
I wait for that dark night to take me
A bottomless darkness
Where I hope to finally find you again

© 2010 9 september/cb

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The sweetness of the end of winter
Just before spring was about to bud
That was when we met-you and I
Mildly flirting with one another
Intensified with ease-more than we realized

Our emotions took flight on the wings of love
Fanciful thoughts-lust filled evenings
That was such a wonderful time we had
Walks on the beach-even if it was cold
It was worth it as we warmed each other up

Over time our love deepened inside of us
Yet somehow we started to topple
Our communications faltered
Misunderstandings grew-tempers flared
We made up time and time again

Slowly we sank into a comfort zone
Lovers yet not-the carnal desire gone
We went deeper than lovers
We became true friends
Soul mates not twin flames

Letting go and saying good bye
The sadness is incredible-painful
It hits you between the eyes
When finally a truth is unveiled
Forcing you to finally say-adieu

© 2010 8 september/cb

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day

The sounds of the lawnmowers with the noisy motors jag my morning awake.  This time no sounds of birds or squirrels at play.  My daughter walks into my room with a look that would liquefy any who dared looked at her.

“WTF! Why all the noise!  It’s my day off-my weekend!”  She grumbles.

I just smile quietly as I know what her reaction would be should she actually hear laughter at her comment.  She has been working hard all week to have this weekend off; after all, it is Labor Day.   She stumbles back out of my room and into her bed; vehemently declaring that all gardeners are useless and should be put to death.
I finally finish dressing and take my time getting to the kitchen.  Things are strewn about the house and yes, most of them belong to my daughter.  The cats are lounging by the French-doors just waiting for me to allow them some freedom.  As I open the door they quickly scamper out with the exception of the younger one; he is still deciding if he really wants out or not.  I just leave the door open for him as I know eventually he will go out.  He does take his time in his decisions.  *giggles* He reminds me of the spoiled one sleeping right now.

I finish picking up the rest of the things, which include dishes left about, and place them in their proper spots.  She will deal with her laundry when she finally wakes – that is her thing to do – not mine.  Yes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to stubbornness.  I am guilty of stubbornness as well. 

It has been over a year now; savings has been eaten up with just the little things to keep us afloat.  Groceries bought on a tight budget. One of the cars is now gone – not that it is needed at the moment but I know that we will eventually feel the need. I feel the darkness of an abyss right at my feet.  I am afraid to look down to see how close it really is.   This economy sure has had a horrible effect on everyone.  My daughter did not realize how fortunate she has been to have been offered a position in management right out of school.  It is just another sign of the times.  She became my competition when she graduated.  I have never told her how close we were to falling into pieces.  If I don’t find work soon – the house will be gone too. 

I walk into my office to start my work day.  There have been thousands of resumes sent out by the job boards and associations I belong to; so far no luck.  All the reasons in the world were given; too much experience, you earned too much, too much education, too little education; the list goes on and on.  The fact is that there are many like me; well qualified but just not enough work. 

Today, I pull out the want ads in the newspaper. I might have some luck as I used to post in the local papers when I needed to hire.  Who knows, Labor Day weekend could be my weekend to work.

Meanwhile, my daughter sleeps away the morning exhausted from her heavy work week.

© 2010 3 september/cb