Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day

The sounds of the lawnmowers with the noisy motors jag my morning awake.  This time no sounds of birds or squirrels at play.  My daughter walks into my room with a look that would liquefy any who dared looked at her.

“WTF! Why all the noise!  It’s my day off-my weekend!”  She grumbles.

I just smile quietly as I know what her reaction would be should she actually hear laughter at her comment.  She has been working hard all week to have this weekend off; after all, it is Labor Day.   She stumbles back out of my room and into her bed; vehemently declaring that all gardeners are useless and should be put to death.
I finally finish dressing and take my time getting to the kitchen.  Things are strewn about the house and yes, most of them belong to my daughter.  The cats are lounging by the French-doors just waiting for me to allow them some freedom.  As I open the door they quickly scamper out with the exception of the younger one; he is still deciding if he really wants out or not.  I just leave the door open for him as I know eventually he will go out.  He does take his time in his decisions.  *giggles* He reminds me of the spoiled one sleeping right now.

I finish picking up the rest of the things, which include dishes left about, and place them in their proper spots.  She will deal with her laundry when she finally wakes – that is her thing to do – not mine.  Yes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to stubbornness.  I am guilty of stubbornness as well. 

It has been over a year now; savings has been eaten up with just the little things to keep us afloat.  Groceries bought on a tight budget. One of the cars is now gone – not that it is needed at the moment but I know that we will eventually feel the need. I feel the darkness of an abyss right at my feet.  I am afraid to look down to see how close it really is.   This economy sure has had a horrible effect on everyone.  My daughter did not realize how fortunate she has been to have been offered a position in management right out of school.  It is just another sign of the times.  She became my competition when she graduated.  I have never told her how close we were to falling into pieces.  If I don’t find work soon – the house will be gone too. 

I walk into my office to start my work day.  There have been thousands of resumes sent out by the job boards and associations I belong to; so far no luck.  All the reasons in the world were given; too much experience, you earned too much, too much education, too little education; the list goes on and on.  The fact is that there are many like me; well qualified but just not enough work. 

Today, I pull out the want ads in the newspaper. I might have some luck as I used to post in the local papers when I needed to hire.  Who knows, Labor Day weekend could be my weekend to work.

Meanwhile, my daughter sleeps away the morning exhausted from her heavy work week.

© 2010 3 september/cb

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